Advanced Quantum Information Theory

Ashley Montanaro

This unit is a graduate course for the Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Engineering, running in Spring 2015. The unit will cover advanced and recent developments in the theory of quantum information processing, with a particular focus on quantum computation.

The lectures and examples classes will be held in the ground floor seminar room in the Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI) building, on Mondays from 2-4 and on Thursdays from 10-12.


Tentative schedule:

Week commencingMonday 2-4Thursday 10-12
26 JanThe quantum circuit model
Grover's algorithm
Grover's algorithm (ctd)
The QFT and periodicity
2 FebShor's algorithm (10-12)
Shor's algorithm (ctd)
Approximate periodicity
Phase estimation
9 FebExamples class
Hamiltonian simulation
Quantum walks
Quantum walk algorithms
16 FebDecoherence
Quantum error-correction
The stabilizer formalism
Measurement and tomography
23 FebMeasurement-based QC (Janet Anders)
2 MarExamples class
Computational complexity
Essay surgery

Assessment: students will complete an essay of approximately 3,000 words. This should summarise and synthesise technical research from one or more research papers in the field of quantum information theory, including a brief description of how the topic fits into the broader context.

The students' submitted essays are provided below in the hope that they will be a useful resource to others.