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It's good to get things off our chest. Especially those face-hugging things from the Alien films.

Help, I'm lost! »


Everyone loves a good rant now and then, check out the prolific ranters down the links to the right if you don't believe me. Below are some non-mathematical diatribes by me and others.


Organic ranty goodness (Added January 2008.)
I won't want my organs when I'm dead, because I'll be, you know, dead. I'm in favour of everyone being made an organ donor by default, with an opt-out scheme. Some people disagree. Here I carefully weigh up both sides of the argument. Incidentally, if you want to be added to the organ donor register then you can do so quickly and easily just here: Join the register!

A man called Marion (Added August 2008.)
I can put up with most Christians' antics, even the crazy ones who ambush me outside pubs and tell me I'll burn in hell after dying from liver cancer when I'm twenty nine. But there's one fellow who really takes the biscuit. This rant is for him.

Power to the flour (Added February 2011.)
The recent trend of every other food in a supermarket being advertised as containing British ingredients is a little disconcerting. I understand the benefits with regards to CO2 production, but it feels more like they're praying on the misguided patriotism spouted by The Sun and Daily Mail. This short piece based on a recent trip to a well known supermarket isn't particularly ranty, but I did enjoy writing it.

Dear Spy Kids... (Added August 2011.)
It turns out string theory is wrong, the fourth dimension isn't an ultra compactified spatial dimension, it's actually smell. According to the new Spy Kids film at least. I gently disagree.

Matthias Rath. An idol for idiot worshippers.
Pat Robertson may be a terrible man, but his views at least don't physically harm people, unlike Matthias Rath. The above is a chapter from Dr Ben Goldacre's book Bad Science. Be warned it may make you rather angry.

Note: The diatribes linked to from this page do, of course, only represent the opinion of the ranter (and probably myself), and not the Maths Department, the University of Bristol, her Majesty's government, or indeed her Majesty.