
For algebraic geometry notes, go here.

For algebraic number theory notes, go here.

For my preprints, go here.

For my contact details, go here

For my CV, click here.


Sites: Lee Butler | MINGLE '09 |

More Mathsy Goodness

Dante once wrote "He listens well who takes notes." So I must listen jolly well. He also said "All hope abandon, ye who enter here!" You've been warned.

Help, I'm lost! »


Last notes added: Root two is irrational in Other Notes

This is where you'll find the lecture notes for my academic brother Andrew Potter's reading group on algebraic geometry, as well as the notes for my reading group on algebraic number theory. There are also a few of the typed up notes for talks I've given at various places and general stuff I've written that isn't paper-worthy. The links on the right take you where you need to go.

Note: I try to put up notes from the reading groups promptly, but it sometimes takes me a while to get around to typing a lecture up. On that note, some of the lectures were typed up by me and some by the speaker. If you spot a glaring error then assume it was me, and let me know. I'll strive to get a fixed version online as soon as possible.