MINGLE: 2009 |


MINGLE 2009 is a new maths conference being held for postgraduate Maths students of the University of Bristol. Click on the links above to find out more.

UoB Maths Department »

Welcome to Bristol

Starting a PhD and learning the ropes of postgraduatedom can be a daunting experience. This year, as part of the induction process, this steep learning curve is a made a little easier with the MINGLE conference.

Doing a PhD is as much about networking and meeting new people as it is about learning new maths. At MINGLE there will be ample opportunity to do both. Postgraduates of all ages will be there to share their tips and give sage advice on how to make the most of your four years at Bristol. And you'll get to experience one of the real perks of doing a PhD - a free lunch and evening meal.

Get in touch!

If you're starting your PhD this year we're sure we'll see you at the conference. Please e-mail us at lee.butler@bristol.ac.uk to let us know you're coming and please do let us know if you're vegetarian, vegan, or have any special dietary requirements. See you at MINGLE!